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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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We have answers!

Why is it recommended to visit an orthodontist?
Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that combines dental health, function and aesthetics. Even teeth alignment is important for overall well-being. This is because if the jaw, teeth and muscles do not work together harmoniously, the masticatory system will not function optimally. Misaligned teeth can have an impact on the entire body. In our orthodontic practice, Dr. Julia Tiefengraber and her team quickly and safely determine the condition of your masticatory system and recommend preventive or therapeutic measures if necessary. Feel free to contact us or make an appointment at our practice in Meerbusch - we look forward to seeing you!
When should you have your first orthodontic consultation?
The first visit to the orthodontist can take place as early as kindergarten age. In this way, any malocclusions can be identified at an early stage and, if necessary, already treated. We will be happy to advise you in our orthodontic practice on the treatment of your children - just contact us.
What is the typical age for orthodontic treatment?
Treatment is possible at any age, because it is never too early or too late for a tooth and jaw correction! Teeth can be moved throughout life if healthy tooth substance and a healthy periodontium are present. As one of our core competences is the treatment with invisible braces (lingual technique and Invisalign), we welcome more and more adult patients.
Who pays for orthodontic consultation and treatment?
Statutory and private health insurance companies pay for a consultation with an orthodontist - regardless of the patient's age. Legally insured children and adolescents up to the age of 18 are entitled to standard orthodontic treatment depending on the diagnosis, i.e. the severity of the malocclusion. This is divided into five grades (KIG = orthodontic indication groups). Orthodontic therapy for malocclusions of the 3rd degree and higher is reimbursed. After the age of 18, only combined orthodontic and maxillofacial surgery cases are covered by statutory health insurance. Private health insurers cover medically necessary treatments for children and adults depending on the tariff of the insurance. We prepare a treatment and cost plan before each therapy. The treatment of patients with statutory health insurance can only be start after approval by the health insurance company.
Will I have pain at the orthodontist?
There is generally no pain during orthodontic examinations. When fixed braces are used, pressure pain and pressure points may occur at the beginning of treatment, as the teeth and oral mucosa have to get used to the new situation. The same applies to removable braces. Here, too, the teeth may be sensitive at first. However, this will subside after a few days. If necessary, you can also take mild painkillers during the first few days.
Do invisible braces exist?
Yes, invisible braces do exist. In addition to the lingual technique - braces from the inside - we also offer treatment with transparent Invisalign plastic trays in our practice. We also have transparent ceramic-braces, which we use for fixed braces if desired.
What is a loose brace?
We use removable braces depending on the stage of growth, the misalignment of the teeth, and the goal of treatment. These are often so-called „Aktive Platten“ made of plastic with metal clips, which are custom-made. The patient has to adjust them regularly himself. The transparent Invisalign trays also belong to the group of removable braces. Loose braces are worn at night or during the day depending on the therapy.
What are fixed braces?
A fixed appliance with braces consists of brackets, archwires and metal bands. The brackets are small fasteners bonded to the teeth and connected together with an archwire
What does lingual technique mean?
Lingual technique is a particularly aesthetic method in orthodontics, where fixed braces are fixed on the inside surface of the tooth and not on the outside of the visible tooth surfaces. Thanks to lingual technique, braces are thus almost invisible. In addition to the aesthetic advantages (invisible), treatment using lingual technology has a five times lower risk of tooth damage than treatment using braces visible from the outside. Therefore, more and more parents want the lingual technique as a form of treatment for their children for caries prophylactic reasons. Our orthodontic practice works with individual custom-made braces and state-of-the-art treatment technology. Feel free to contact us and make an appointment right away!
What is the difference between directly and indirectly bonded brackets?
Normally, the brackets are bonded to the teeth tooth by tooth. In indirect bonding a model is first used for exact positioning of the individual elements. With the help of a transfer foil, the brackets are then completely transferred from the model to the jaw in one step and attached. This form of attachment is not only more comfortable for the patient but also leads to a more precise treatment result.
What are self-ligating brackets?
With conventional standard brackets, the brackets and the archwires have to be connected to each other by means of a rubber ring (= ligature). With self-ligating brackets, the rubber bands are replaced by a type of cap that holds the archwire in place. The advantages of this bracket system, apart from the aesthetics, are mainly the better cleaning possibility and shorter treatment times with even better results.
What are non-compliance appliances?
Non-compliance appliances are fixed appliances that take over therapy tasks instead of removable braces and can lead to a regular bite. Without the active intervention of the patient, jaw malocclusions such as mandibular retraction can be corrected in this way.
How long does the orthodontic treatment take?
The duration of orthodontic treatment depends on how pronounced the malocclusion is and whether the teeth and jaws are misaligned. In general, orthodontic treatment lasts 3-4 years, but the time may be considerably less if the misalignment is less pronounced. If early orthodontic treatment is carried out in the mixed dentition, it takes around 1.5 years. A distinction is made between early and main treatment as well as between the treatment of children, adolescents and adults. In addition to the patient's good cooperation during treatment, the individual body's own reaction is also responsible for the duration of treatment. In our detailed consultation, we will inform you about the necessary treatment measures and the associated duration of your treatment or the treatment of your child.
What can I eat well with the fixed braces, what should I leave out?
At the beginning of the treatment, we recommend soft foods that are cut into small pieces and easy to chew, as the teeth may still be sensitive to the unfamiliar braces. The following foods should be avoided altogether, as they could harm the braces: hard foods such as raw carrots, nuts and crunchy pastries, as well as tough meats, vegetables such as spinach leaves, white cabbage or Swiss chard ("wrap" around the brackets) and all highly sticky foods such as chewing gum or caramel candies.
Can fixed braces lead to tooth damage?
Proper dental care at home is an important prerequisite for dental health. In order to further minimize the risk of decalcification/caries developing during treatment by means of fixed braces, we recommend that our patients (also during treatment) regularly undergo an individual program at the dentist's office and have their teeth professionally cleaned every three months. The sealing of the bracket environment that we perform also protects the difficult-to-clean area from bracket to tooth from decalcification (= white spots), which can later become caries. For caries prevention reasons, we prefer to use the lingual technique (invisible braces) on the backs of the teeth in our orthodontic practice, as it has been scientifically proven that the risk of tooth damage is 5 times lower with this method than with braces visibly attached to the outside of the teeth. Feel free to contact us about the lingual technique!
What do I need to keep in mind when caring for my teeth and braces?
Thorough dental care is very important during orthodontic treatment. The same applies to the care of braces. For braces wearers, there are a variety of special aids that can be used to clean areas that are otherwise difficult to access. In our practice, we practice the correct brushing technique with you so that plaque and caries don't stand a chance.
What to do if a bracket has come loose?
Please make an appointment promptly so that we can re-attach the bracket to the tooth. If a part has completely come loose, please bring it with you to the treatment appointment.
What to do when a wire stabs into the cheek?
A small piece of protective wax or sugar-free chewing gum will cover the offending piece of wire for the time being. Please contact us at the practice so that we can correct the wire.
What should I do if have sores in my mouth?
When braces are first fitted, it is normal that you feel a little uncomfortable and sores could occur. Use protective wax to cover the brackets and wires. Mouth rinses with soothing ingredients from the pharmacy can also help. If there is no improvement after a few days, please make an appointment at the practice.
What to do if the loose brace no longer fits?
Since you are adjusting the braces yourself, please first carefully try to turn back the adjusting screws of the plates to adjust them again. At your next appointment, please let us know that you have adjusted the braces. If you are unsuccessful, please come to the office by appointment.
What to do if the removable braces are defective or lost?
Please call us so that we can repair or replace them.
©2025 Dr. Julia Tiefengraber