02132 - 4001
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02132 - 4001
office hours

Adult treatment

We offer treatments for all ages. Our teeth straightening treatments are partially invisible from the outside and allow clear and unrestricted speech.
Fixed braces with brackets on the front of the teeth are no longer the only option for straight teeth. Among other things, we offer invisible aligner treatment. This is teeth straightening with transparent plastic trays. They are only removed for eating, drinking and brushing teeth. Thus, dental care remains as easy as usual and the teeth move into the desired position.
Lingual treatment is also an option for invisible teeth straightening. For this, the braces are placed on the inside surface of the teeth. Very complex tooth misalignments can be corrected unnoticed.

In addition to teeth correction, we also offer dental splints for the treatment of craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD). If we determine a cause of CMD in the masticatory apparatus, our splints restore the correct bite, i.e. the relationship between the upper and lower jaw, and thus relieve the masticatory apparatus.

We also offer splints to combat snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea, which keep the airways clear at night, allowing for a peaceful night's sleep - for you and your partner.

In contrast to the treatment of children and adolescents up to the age of 18, the costs of orthodontic treatment for adults are usually borne by the patient. Exceptions are made for medically necessary treatment methods approved by the health insurance company.

©2024 Dr. Julia Tiefengraber